在另一场美国战争前夕.S. Election Cycle: The Critical Security Implications of Event Planning




As the 2022 election cycle kicks into high gear, emotions in the U.S. run high, bad behavior is rising, and violence is becoming more commonplace. 如果你的工作是策划活动和聚会, or if your organization owns the location or facility that will host a rally, 会议, 音乐会或体育比赛, 安全需求 成为战略重点. The security-related risks are elevated this year, and your event security planning and preparations must be equally robust.

A Nation Wrestling With Cultural And Political Divisiveness

Consider a few of the strategic forces shaping and reflecting individual attitudes, 行为, and actions of Americans at both national and local levels:

+ Political ads, some of them viewed as incendiary.

+最高法院在Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, reversing Roe v. Wade and triggering a national wave of both celebrations and protests.

+ Protests for and against LGBTQ rights are on the rise. 在科达伦, 爱达荷州, police recently arrested 31 members of a white supremacist group intending to start a riot at the city’s Pride parade.

+目标攻击增加, such as the politically motivated threat to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the racially motivated killing of ten Black people at a Buffalo supermarket, the murder of a Tulsa surgeon and three other people by a patient.

+ 18%的美国.S. 家庭 purchased a 火arm between March 2020 and March 2022, increasing the number of Americans living in homes with guns to 46%.

In light of these events and the upcoming midterm elections, 国土安全部警告说 of a “heightened threat environment” that could become “more dynamic” in the near future. 这对大型活动意味着什么, 特别是那些政治性的, 比如集会, 会议和惯例?


We look for pockets of strength whenever we conduct a special event security assessment. 它通常是在一个或另一个技术领域. The entity may have recently implemented a best-in-class access control system or new screening capabilities, 比如最新的磁力计. They may do a very good job backgrounding their in-house security personnel or liaising with police, 火, 以及其他急救人员.

但安全只取决于最薄弱的环节. Great intrusion detection capabilities aren’t worth much if video surveillance cameras are out-of-date, or if event-day personnel aren’t sufficiently staffed to respond to a large-scale incursion or incidents at multiple entrance points.

Three Strategic Security Competencies Most Organizations Can Improve

几乎每次彩宝网平台进行这些评估, we find significant deficits or gaps in three areas – competencies that are more critical now than ever as we approach election-related turbulence.

1. 策略及规划: Your security plan and activities should be risk-driven, not reactive or based on rationales like “that’s the way we’ve always done it.“它还应该以结果为中心, measurable and articulated so that your many “consumers” can understand and act on its parameters.

2. 集成: 安全计划 efficacy is driven not just by strategy and security team structure, 也被人们, 工艺和技术. The trick here is that these components must be tightly integrated.

3. 培训: 大多数计划都被束之高阁. Crises emerge or worsen when teams don’t know what to do and work against each other. What matters is turning your strategy into action. Everyone with a key role in your security should be heavily and continuously trained.

Suppose you place these three core capabilities highest in your list of priorities. 在这种情况下, your many security tactics can be accommodated holistically — like your alcohol use policy, 装货码头控制, anti-drone协议, 安全运营中心流程, 防疫措施, pre-event threat intelligence and open-source monitoring, 以及远距离反狙击能力. 这样的例子不胜枚举.


You can almost always tighten up security, and you’ll never get heat for doing too much. 记住,你并不孤单. 一流, special-event security practices are getting updated daily by proactive producers and operators of venues, from concert halls and playing fields to public spaces and 会议 centers. You just have to understand these and take a strategic approach to implement them. 不要等太久. 今天采取行动还不算太早. 了解更多 about how Jensen Hughes can assist with special event security for your organization.